What is it about

In software outsourcing is a way to subcontract creation or maintenance of software module(s) to an independent party. Often software is outsourced to locations with large talent pool and lower wages so that even with additional overhead (see below) the total cost goes down allowing flexibility in getting more or less people involved depending on situation.

We have more than 5 years experience in outsourcing of software projects to Eastern Europe. We let you focus on your core (“essence” of your) business while taking away burden of developing required functionality using the right technology and tools, maintaining and improving existing code base and resolving issues in efficiently and at low cost.

Criteria for outsourcing

Every business can be divided into core (“essential”) and non-core activities. While the organizations have to focus on the first type of the activities to keep the competitive advantage, the non-core activities tend to grow and ‘suck in’ many resources. The non-core activities is the area where outsourcing can come handy. Examples of core activities are innovation, marketing, customer acquisition. Non-core activities are infrastructure software (common non-domain specific libraries), maintenance of existing/legacy code-base, back-porting new features to legacy software. Normally the non-core activities require none/little domain knowledge and can be easily transferred to other parties.

If your organization comes short on resources for core activities or working on a constrained budget it is a good chance that you can outsource the non-core parts to us and keep focus on essential activities.

Why outsource with us

We have experience outsourcing new software development, maintenance and test projects in areas of web development, and embedded software. 


Typically the hourly price is about 50% lower than the price in The Netherlands. The exact costs depend on the size of a project, amount of domain knowledge, access to infrastructure and test equipment.


We act as a local representative of the remote outsourcing party. We take over the overhead of initial setup and communication acting as a local proxy to remote teams. In this way the client has advantages of optimal local communication while benefiting from the lower overall costs of development and maintenance.